BettorFantasy: Uniting fantasy sports, betting and social impact to create unique experiences

Blending fantasy sports and betting through a free-to-play gamified platform is helping to create unique experiences for gamblers, said BettorFantasy co-founders Sahil Patel and Will Tighe.

In conversation with SBC Americas, Patel started by giving an overview of the BettorFantasy platform, explaining how the company is using its unique combination of fantasy sports and betting to stand out in a well-crowded industry.

He began: “BettorFantasy is the world’s first platform that enables fantasy football players to sync their fantasy leagues and then bet on the matchups against the house. It’s a totally free-to- play platform, so everybody can safely experience sports betting.

“A quick overview on how it works. Users earn BettorCredits by completing challenges, navigating our gamified experience, and then they use those to place the bets on their matchups. And then when users win enough bets, they can cash out in the shop for gift cards and other cool prizes. 

“The main way that we stand out from the crowd is that we are the first platform that enables fantasy players to sync their leagues and bet on the matchups. And we’re beyond thrilled to be a pioneer in the space.”

Patel explained that in addition to betting on matchups, players will also have access to a range of prop bets – something which early adopters have noted allows players to “hedge against their fantasy matchups”. 

Meanwhile, something which both co-founders believed has helped BettorFantasy to stand out from the crowd is its large focus upon social impact. 

Championing Fight for Children – a charity which aims to help individuals, organizations and communities leverage the power of sports to improve the lives of underserved youth – BettorFantasy believes that its work is not only supporting a worthy cause but also shifting the perception towards sports betting.

Tighe added: “When we first started BettorFantasy, we immediately started thinking about ways that we could tie social impact into the core experience of both the platform and our business model. And within our gamified experience, our users partner up with an NFL Players charity foundation, and then as our users complete certain betting challenges, BettorFantasy actually donates to their partners foundation on their behalf.

“And in addition to this, users can also head to the shop and spend their winnings on donations in a similar fashion. This is just the beginning for us in terms of really adding a social impact element into our experience.

“We want to continue to build our platform based on what our users want to see from us. As for the business model, our success is closely tied to the number of downloads we receive and engagement we have from our users. That’s why we felt it was important to commit to donating $5 to Fight for Children every time someone downloads the BettorFantasy app. 

“Our goal is, first and foremost, to use the power of the sports betting industry to make a positive impact, but also shift the perception that the general public has on sports betting and fantasy sports. There’s so much passion inherent to fantasy sports and betting and our goal is to channel that passion and do something good for the world.”

Watch the full interview HERE

The BettorFantasy team will be attending this week’s SBC Summit North America. Contact Sahil Patel and Will Tighe if you would like to arrange a meeting.