British Columbia Lottery Corporation (BCLC) has reinforced its commitment to positive and safer gaming with the introduction of PlayPlanner to every casino and community gaming center in BC. The optional budgeting tool allows Encore Rewards members to set and manage daily time and money limits when playing slot or eTable games.

PlayPlanner encourages players, as they approach their pre-determined limits, to stay within the amount they intended. They can track their daily play by creating a profile and personalized settings. During each playing session, players receive reminders on how they are tracking against their settings through onscreen pop-up messages.

“We’ve created PlayPlanner to make it easier for players to stay within personal limits by making decisions about time and money before gambling,” said Dr Jamie Wiebe, BCLC Director, Player Health. “We are committed to ensuring that this tool meets the needs of our players now and into the future as part of our focus on supporting healthy play.”

The initiative enables customers to voluntarily enroll at slots and eTables or at Guest Services/Player Clubs; set their own limits (time and/or spend); receive regular on-screen notifications as they progress toward their voluntary limits; and change their settings on the slot machine or eTable by accessing a PlayPlanner icon.

Financial pre-commitment has been a part of BCLC’s website,, since its launch in 2004. Players are required to self-select a maximum weekly transfer-in limit between $1 and $9,999 and ‘play history’ is visible on the screen at all times.