US Congress has scheduled a hearing on June 26 to assess how the land lies in the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling on PASPA. The House of Representatives Judiciary Committee hearing will be chaired by Bob Goodlatte and has been badged ‘Post-PASPA: An Examination of Sports Betting in America’.
Among those said to be considering taking part is Jocelyn Moore, senior vice president of public policy and government affairs at the National Football League (NFL) and the American Gaming Association’s (AGA) Geoff Freeman who recently announced plans to step down as the organisation’s president.
There will be much to discuss at the hearing; Delaware and New Jersey are fully up and running with legal sports wagering and a host of states is set to follow suit at the earliest opportunity. Among the chasing pack is Rhode Island whose state legislature is preparing to vote on appropriations Bill H7200A on Friday this week.
A key area of interest will be the input from the NFL which, along with the other major professional sports leagues, fought hard to maintain PASPA and has since argued for a share of profits from sports betting, ostensibly to maintain integrity. But with only New York having so far talked about building in ‘integrity fees’ to any new legislation, the leagues’ arguments appear to be falling on deaf ears.
Listen to the hearing live here on June 26 at 2 pm EST.