Pro bettor Gadoon Kyrollos speaks to Wyoming regulators on limiting

Wyoming Gaming Commission Betting Limits Spanky
Image: Shutterstock

The Wyoming Gaming Commission (WGC) is making efforts to educate itself on the practice of operators limiting sports bettors.

During an annual fall meeting last week, the WGC hosted an informational presentation on betting limits by professional gambler and American Bettors’ Voice chairman Gadoon “Spanky” Kyrollos. The presentation provided the WGC with a foundational understanding of sports betting along with betting limits and how and why operators issue them to players. The limits are being met with backlash as players believe they hold them back and create a gaming environment that lacks openness, transparency and profitability.

“It’s become an epidemic essentially how these operators are treating customers,” Kyrollos told WGC commissioners. “It’s not just smart customers that are being treated this way. It’s customers that do their homework, read more, and are able to analyze more.”

Some of the betting limits imposed by operators have been attributed to a lack of investment in risk management allowing the sportsbooks to set their own standards.

“Bookmaking requires talent,” he continued. “You have to employ proper talent for the bookmaker to make money because it is a dynamic market. If you don’t have that talent, you lose money as a bookmaker and there are several that have gone broke because they didn’t have the skill level to be able to manage a market and move lines accordingly.”

Operators are also allocating business operations and specific roles to limit bettors.

An unnamed sportsbook reached out to limited players through a betting limit-specific email account providing an indication that limits are a large part of business operations.

“If you have a dedicated email address called ‘betting limits’ you would think that it’s not too rare,” added Kyrollos. “It happens pretty often on a daily basis, multiple times a day.”

Wyoming joins another US market on discussing limits

Betting limits have been brought to the attention of the WGC as other regulatory bodies across the country educate themselves and take steps to deal with the growing issue.

The Massachusetts Gaming Commission (MGC) has requested player data from operators regarding betting limits. The MGC has made its request following several roundtable discussions on the issue. According to data provided by operators at the roundtables, the percentage of players impacted by limits in the state is less than 1%.

Despite the initial data provided by operators, the MGC wants to obtain more concrete information about who is being impacted by limits. The commission has also requested operators to provide data on its VIP players and whether those users exhibit losing behavior. The data that is obtained by the MGC will be kept confidential to prevent the distribution of trade secrets while also providing operators with a layer of security.

The MGC plans to analyze the data and propose new regulations and solutions to address limits. If new regulations are approved, players and operators can provide public comment.

As of November 2025, Massachusetts is the only U.S. market to investigate betting limits.

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