Prophet ready to ‘exchange the love’ as ProphetExchange prepares for launch

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Peer-to-peer US sports betting exchange Prophet has announced the launch of pre-registration for, the New Jersey-based exchange where customers can set prices for other users to bet on, or place bets on the prices already available.

Supporting the pre-registration launch is the firm’s first crowd-funded consumer campaign, “Exchange The Love”. Described as a one-of-a-kind proposition, it will reward early adopters of Prophet’s unique sports betting exchange by providing a deposit match bonus that will increase by $25 for each 500 new registrations.

CEO and Co-Founder Dean Sisun explained: “We are gearing up for the full consumer launch of Prophet in our home state of New Jersey and wanted to find a new way to reward everyone who joins Prophet at the pre-registration stage. ‘Exchange The Love’ is the perfect way to achieve that.

“This is an exciting time for Prophet, starting to welcome customers into our community, and ‘Exchange The Love’ is a great way to say thank you to everyone who comes on board now. An exchange grows stronger with more active users – more liquidity equals better prices – which is why we wanted to create a campaign that allows users to help each other while also being incentivized for doing so. 

“With that said, for every 500 people that sign up during our pre-registration phase, we’re going to increase the deposit match bonus for everyone by $25. That means that when we hit 5,000 new registrations, that deposit match bonus is going to be up at $250, and so on. The more people that come on board now, the more everyone gains.”