Canadian sports betting portal has announced the launch of a new betting market, enabling the public to bet on US President Donald Trump’s alleged mistruths, as recorded by the Washington Post Trump Fact-Checker.

According to the Fact Checker, Trump is averaging 603 lies per-month so far in 2019, and from January 1 to October 9 2019, he has apparently told 5,785 lies. In January this year, bettors won $276,424 wagering on how much he would would lie in his Oval Office address and now bookmakers are taking bets on his total for 2019. 

“Now, for the first time ever, sports bettors can bet on Donald Trump’s lie-total at the end of the year.” said Daniel Templeton, COO of operations at “Our analysis suggested a significant probability that the US President will continue to tell mistruths, surpassing a total of 14,000 lies (according to the Washington Post fact-checker) by the end of the year. 

“We could not find any bookmakers offering a suitable betting-market, so it made sense to team up with an online sportsbook  to open a suitable betting market”.

The opening odds show an implied probability of 54.1% that Trump will exceed 14,000 lies by the end of the year.