The Nevada Gaming Control Board’s Enforcement Division has announced changes which will take effect on October 1, 2019, pertaining to the submission of Book Wagering Reports, a monthly requirement under Regulation 22.061.
The Board has developed an online portal through which the reports must be submitted as of October 2019 (for September data). Additionally it will conduct an industry meeting/training session to review the system and associated requirements on September 24, 2019.
The meeting will be held in the Las Vegas office with video conferencing to the Carson City office at the Las Vegas Board Room and Carson City Board Room. “It is recommended that each licensee that submits Book Wagering Reports attend this meeting to learn about the new system and requirements,” the board advised operators.
It added: “Those involved with the preparation and submission of Book Wagering Reports, representatives of compliance and management responsible for the process, as well as a representative from your information technology department should attend.”
According to the board, there will be three supported reporting methods via the online portal: xml upload, Excel/csv template upload, and manual entry. All three methods will be covered in the training session, and locations will need to determine which of these methods they will utilize to submit their monthly reports.