SportsHandle: That was the week that was in US sports betting

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SportsHandle and friends deliver another round-up of the week’s big developments in US sports betting.

In Letter To Clients, Sportradar Describes Business Plan Without NFL Official Data After Competitor Genius Wins Rights

After an intense bidding war with rival Genius Sports for the exclusive rights to the NFL’s official sports betting data, Sportradar is framing its competitor’s win as an overall benefit to Sportradar. In a letter sent to its customers on April 6 and obtained by Sports Handle, Sportradar Chief Commercial Officer Eduard Blonk advised how the data and tech firm would manage life and operations after ceding exclusivity to the real-time official data for the U.S.’s richest sports league.

Full story here.

Florida Heading Toward Single-Operator Sports Betting Model?

Maybe the first named hurricane to blow through Florida in 2021 should be named “Hurricane Bettor.” With seven days remaining in the regular legislative session, news of a potential single-operator, mobile sports betting deal has been swirling around all parts of the state, and late Thursday multiple sources confirmed that the state and Seminole Tribe on Friday will release details of a new gaming pact that includes statewide mobile sports betting.

Full story here.

Viva Las Vaxx Us: Inside The Delicate Issue Of Casinos Requiring Vaccine Passports

Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak isn’t mincing words when it comes to the role vaccinations are playing and will continue to play in his state’s recovery from COVID-19.

“It’s what we do now,” Sisolak said during an April 13 news conference, “that will allow us to return to more normal Nevada on June 1 and focus on a strong economic recovery — remaining vigilant, wearing a mask, and most importantly, getting vaccinated as soon as possible.”

Full story here.

Listen: ‘Get A Grip’ Episode 1: The NFL’s Got Sportbooks, Arizona Adds Betting, And Lightning Round With Dave

And we’re off! Following last week’s short preview clip, Dave Sharapan (@SportsbkConsig) and Sports Handle Editor-in-Chief Brett Smiley (@brettsmiley) are excited to get the show started (@sports_handle).

Topics covered include: The NFL’s new “tri-exclusive” deal tapping Caesars, DraftKings, and FanDuel Sportsbook as official sportsbook partners; the prevalence of sports betting ads; Arizona’s legalization and more. (Time codes below and go to Spreaker to find/subscribe to the pod on your preferred podcast platform.)

Full story here.

BetMGM Continues Its Online Casino Dominance In Michigan

When it comes to online casinos in Michigan, it’s BetMGM’s world, and everyone else is just living in it.

For the second month in a row — and the second full month of online casinos being live in Michigan — BetMGM paced the field, with $30.8 million in adjusted gross receipts (which is profit after free play is accounted for). This was a 14.4% increase from February’s numbers for BetMGM, and it has clearly solidified its position as top of the heap in online casino play in the state.

Full story here.

Sports Betting and Gambling Advertising Bans In America? Not Bloody Likely

Last week, the UNLV International Gaming Institute issued a report titled The Marketing Moment: Sports, Wagering and Advertising in the United States, and it advocated for sports betting firms to get a grip on how they advertise their product before the government steps in and tells them how to do so.

And before you say “it can’t happen here,” know that it’s happened there: In Italy, all gambling advertisements have been banned since 2019. In England, there is no sports betting advertising allowed during games. And as this is being typed, the incumbent mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said he will ban gambling advertising in London’s subway system should he be re-elected May 6. Additionally, there is a big push in Ireland to ban gambling ads, and talk of implementing some type of ban in Australia is making headlines.

Full story here.

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